How to Design your Own Online Shopping Website like amazon -- Requirements Analysis

Basically, for design an website, we mainly have 4 parts.

  1. Front-End display: This part is mainly about how to display the data in MySQL database, like the index page, detailed products pages, shopping carts pages and shopping categories pages.

  2. Interaction Between Front-End and Back-End: When the clients or the admin have a serial of actions like buying a product, add a product to their shopping carts, log in and log out to the web site. This part is how you design controllers and tiny URL BY Using HTTP protocol (e.g GET and POST Method).

  3. Back-end Management : This part is to maintain the data used in the website, like the product managements, products picture managements, user managements ,order managements ,so on and so forth.

  4. Databases and Entities Design. In this part, we will carefully design the schema of our MySQL database. We will create the schema for each table and establish the relationships between tables. Based on those tables, we will create the classes mapping to tables.

I will go deep into requirements analysis for each part in another blog.

Here, I will list all the tech stacks used in this project.

Database MySQL
server-side template engine Java Server Page(JSP)
Front-End FrameWork Bootstrap, JQuery
Communication between Front-end and Back-end AJAX(In JSON data type)
Project Management Tool Maven
Database Aceess Mybatis
Web Container Tomcat
Web Architecture Spring MVC
Dev tools IntelliJ IDEA

Author: Liang Tan
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint polocy. If reproduced, please indicate source Liang Tan !
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